Special thanks to my family and all the educators that helped Hernan D. Zapata Rios (Director of Music For All Center) achieve his dreams of teaching music to others.

A message from Hernan D. Zapata R:

Special thanks to:

My Mother Gabriela Rios de Zapata, my father Alejandro Zapata Alzate for being an exampleof hard of life for me. Also to my brothers and systers who helped me during my childhood.

I also thank God for my daugther Alexandra Zapata Silva who came to this world to remind me that life is beautiful, that I should never stop dreamming, that there is room to grow and Improve to a higher level in life.

Also I thanks to all my former teachers during my school years. I will never forget each of your faces, your techniques, love, and passion for music. I always have the intention of passing that passion for music to my students as well. I wish I could remember each of my mentors’ names to thank them publicly, but here are the most notorious mentors of mine.

Elkin Perez (R.I.P): guitarist from Medellin, Colombia, who taught me many guitar techniques.

Alfonso Escobar: baritone vocalist from Medellin, Colombia, who gave me the first foundation tools in vocal techniques.

Beverly Coulter: One of my mentors in this fascinant career of music. My Voice Technic and Music Theory Instructor in at Miami Dade College, Florida, who always believed in me and my talent; who went the extra mile to help me get the best grades during my college years; who kept me motivated in this wonderful musical education career. If there were more teachers like Beverly, this world would be a better and kinder place!

-Hernan 🙂

Website redesigned by Alexandra Zapata (@artofaleza)